IN THE FIELD Cristina, right, reporting at the Women's March in 2017, Washington, D.C. Photo credit: Claire Bangser for The Why Women Project
About Cristina
Cristina Cala is a writer, editor and content director with 10 years of experience creating content for brands and publishers. She brings the perspective of a journalist to the practice of branded content, and seven years inside the content studios of media brands in New York, including The Foundry at Time Inc. (now Meredith Corp.), 23 Stories at Condé Nast, and WebMD DNA Studios. She’s the founder of The Why Women Project, a content platform powered by a creative collective of women and non-binary storytellers, both top media talent and undiscovered voices. Her work has appeared in The Daily Beast, TIME, Vanity Fair, Glamour, Teen Vogue, InStyle, HelloGiggles and WIRED.
Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.